To assist you in preparing your submissions there will be two 45 minute briefing sessions:
6:00pm Halifax (Atlantic) Monday May 31st hosted by Geoff Wilson
10:00am Sydney (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Tuesday June 1st hosted by Dr Lyn Carson
To register for either session please email and in the subject line RSVP Core Values Submissions briefing
You will then be sent the call in details.
In 2009 IAP2 made some changes to the awards entry process, including some format changes and a standardized style for all entries. These improvements helped the judging process and improved the production of the State of the Practice Report. We also introduced a new award category in 2009 - the Innovation Award.
There are three categories:
The Project of the Year
The Organization of the Year
The Innovation Award
Submissions will be accepted until July 16, 2010. Entries must be received by e-mail (in either Adobe PDF or MS Word formats) to Moira Deslandes, mailto:moira@iap2.orgby 8:30am Mountain Time (US/Canada). Click here for World Clock. We will accept entries of the same project in multiple award categories. We do require you to make separate submissions for each category you wish to enter, and that each entry clearly addresses the requirements of the category as outlined in the style guide. Each entry has a $100USD entry fee associated with it and no correspondence will be entered into by the judges. All entries that are compliant with the requirements for submission will be published as a collection. You can see previous entries here. To learn more about these changes and other entry details, please download the 2010 Core Values Award Style Guide.
The winners will be announced in August and the awards ceremony will be in the UK in late October.
Are you in Australasia?
The IAP2 Australasian Affiliate Core Values Awards are also now open for submissions. If you work in Australasia you may also want to consider these awards. Click here for their application kit.