1. If we already have a "Tier II" training program available to IAP2 do we have to submit an EOI?
Yes you will - in the principles of fairness and equity we are applying the same assessment criteria for all so we can announce the suite of 2009 Partners. Feel free to re-submit them as is to this process – it is a matter of ensuring equity and equality of opportunity for all IAP2 members interested in being considered for this partnership program – which is consistent with the IAP2 2009 /10 strategic plan. The Business Learning Model is designed to extend the reach of IAP2 through a partnership approach.
I am expecting that there would be absolutely no reason why your existing offerings could not be a part of what we promote this year and build on for partnerships.
2. The RFP didn't indicate that we should be identifying locations.
Rather, it said that locations would be determined. Is it anticipated that proposals would indicate their preferred locations?
Please feel free to offer your preferred locations for delivery.
3. Am I correct in assuming that travel costs of trainers would also be covered by IAP2, and not just trainer fees?
The travel costs will be built into the overall 'price' of the training and will be reimbursed 'at cost' to the trainer who delivers - so yes you are right in assuming the travel costs of trainers would be covered by IAP2
4. Is there anyway I can send in my EoI when I get back after March 6th?
At this stage we are planning to have a second call later in the year and in the interests of equity for this call it is unlikely we will extend the timeline for this call. However the information we have received from you at this stage may be sufficient for the assessment process.
5. Q:We are wondering about the relationship between the learning partnerships model and the Australasian affiliate. We recognise that the marketing power of the IAP2 brand would potentially be very beneficial for trainers based in North America. It is less clear how the international organisation would go about adding value to the marketing effort here in Oz. We would be very interested to know whether the local affiliate will be involved in promoting the training, and if so, specifically how would that support be provided? Would it amount to putting dates on the training calendar, or would there be significant effort applied to filling courses?
A: At this stage partnership training will be offered through the international central organisation. It is envisaged that there may be capacity to build other pathways through Chapters and Affiliates in the same way the Certificate program has been offered over the years. The central organising unit of IAP2 will be and is currently active in promoting programs, identifying a range of partnerships and pathways to professional development in public participation and there are a number of initiatives underway that we hope will drive potential learners to these educational opportunities. These initiatives will begin to unfold in the coming month(s) and include the development of a training/education specific e-bulletin; virtual communities of practice for members; growth in accessibility to the Journal and efforts for professional development credits to be applied to the Certificate program.
6. We are interested in the Learning Partnership opportunity and I'm wondering whether we can make it work financially. We price our trainings on the low side (our sliding scale starts at $125/day), which barely covers costs, as enrollment is limited to 20. Would IAP2 be inclined to charge much more?
Is there a minimum amount that IAP2 hopes to make from these partnerships, so we can figure out a realistic budget and fee schedule?
The pricing for training will be based on the submission you propose. This is a competitive process and IAP2 will be seeking to recover promotional costs with the mark-up price of training from these partnerships. However the priority is on building partnerships and advancing the practice of public participation so this will be discussed in detail with each potential partner. There is a base line IAP2 is seeking to recover that is dependent on the economies of scale and the range of locations that can be offered from the overall package. You are therefore encouraged to identify you bottom lines in the fee schedule or your own parameters and expectations from IAP2.
Q: Will you be looking for some type of more formal submittal?
A: We will be assessing each submission against the criteria, so in that sense it is a formal process. If you feel your submission can be presented informally and still meet the criteria, then we will of course be happy to receive it!
Q: What thoughts are there on delivery opportunities?
A: We have access to our extensive data base of individuals and groups who are members and those who have completed the Certificate in Public Participation that may well be looking for additional professional development opportunities. IAP2 will also be embarking on a marketing campaign to draw registrants from new markets as well
Answers to your questions will continue to be posted. So to stay in touch with this discussion check back again at a later date.
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