Saturday, April 3, 2010

International Community Sends Congratulations

Congratualtory messages have been recieved from around the world to the IAP2 Board on their decision to become a Federation:

"AIP2-France is very happy with the decision of setting up a Federation of Affiliates as it perfectly meets its needs and ideas. We give our sincere congratulations to the Board for the huge work done into the ME process, and are motivated to be part of the future story of IAP2 international"
AIP2, Paris, France, Joana Janiw

“The IAP2 Southern Africa emerging Affiliate is extremely excited about the decision taken by Desley and the Board. Congratulations on making the decision to become a Federation and for having the courage and strategy to adapt the movement of the organization forward to meet not only current needs by members, but also future needs by potential members! We are proud to be associated with such a dynamic body! Well done!”
IAP2 Southern Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, Antoinette Pietersen

“Woo Hoo! IAP2 Australasia’s congratulations to the International Board and everyone who made the Federation of Affiliates and implementation decisions possible last weekend. What a great decision, well made!

We are very excited that around the world people will have the same opportunity that we, here in Australasia, have had. We believe that this decision recognizes both our diversity and our commonality. Each of the regions in the world has their own distinctive needs, profiles and priorities, the Federation Model gives room for this to be recognised in a way that enriches the whole. It is our experience that the commonality we share is that when you give people who are passionate about our practice; power to make decisions and resources to get them started, then fantastic things happen. It is the power of yes.

Our thanks to the Board for unleashing that power.

We know that over the next few months that we will be working out the details. Lets us know if you need a hand. In Australasia we are happy to help – it’s the very least that good neighbors can do in an international community founded on a strong platform of principle and practice.”

Anne Pattillo , President IAP2 Australasia

Dear Desley,
Thanks for your leadership on this issue - probably the most significant decision IAP2 has made in recent history. Job well done!
Beatrice Briggs, Mexico, a Past President of IAP2

"Little did we realize that in the earliest, informal discussions on whether a Federal structure for IAP2 would be beneficial, we would route ourselves so closely to both the EU Maastrict Treaty of 1992 and the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution. Clearly great people have got here before us.

‘Subsidiarity’ where central authorities perform only those tasks that cannot be performed effectively at a local level (Wikipedia) is clearly the way ahead for many organisations - including ours – as we move towards an Enabling State. This movement to a Federal structure by the IAP2 Board is a brave and visionary move and reflects its commitment to its core values. My congratulations: it’s a really important step forward." Dr Geoff Fagan, a past president of IAP2 and a founding Director of IAP2 UK and Ireland CEO, The CADISPA Trust, Scotland UK

"I’d like to extend sincere congratulations to all of you for your hard work and intention, for grappling with all the nuances and viewpoints of the decision before you, and for approving a way forward for IAP2 that reflects a marriage between local and international needs and operations. I’d also like to acknowledge the challenges (and opportunities too) of the member engagement process, and the Board’s responsiveness in balancing North American, Australasian, African, Europe and other needs and desires. As many of you know, I’ve been a supportive advocate for a federation of affiliates for many years, and I firmly believe that the future of the field and practice is best met through a federation.Many congratulations and thanks to all of you for working to understand, consider, weigh all of the input, suggestions, ideas and concerns. It is an historic decision you have made! " Stephani Roy McCallum, a Past President, Canada