Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year

2010 begins another exciting year for IAP2. South Africa now has emerging Affiliate status which means we can look forward to more connections with our members, networks and friends in South Africa!

If you have connections or networks you would like IAP2 to draw on in South Africa please let us know iap2hq@iap2.org

The Member Engagement process is continuing for another two months. Over 700 people have logged onto the site to learn more - if you haven't done so yet - please read and send your advice in to assist the Board in their decision-making in March 2010. Log on here and join in the discussion.

It isn't too early to start thinking about and identifying potential organisations and projects for the 2010 Core Values awards. In 2010 there will be a new award to honour and recognise emerging practitioners - individuals new to the field who are demonstrating excellence and promise in their practice. You can read winning applications in the Annual State of the Practice Reports available on line at www.iap2.org

IAP2 HQ wishes you all a Happy and Prosperous 2010!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

More News from White House

On Tuesday, December 8, the Open Government Initiative published the new Open Government Directive. The Directive is the latest in a long timeline of open government milestones during the course of the last year. Since the US President signed the executive memorandum on Transparency and Open Government as his first executive action, innovators across the government have been working to create a more accountable and effective government. The Progress Report on Open Government for the American People explains what’s been done to date and where we go from here.

If you want to get involved and have something to say see the following:

1. Open Government Dashboard: The Open Government Directive calls for the creation of an Open Government Dashboard to measure progress and impact. Deputy Chief Technology Officer, Beth Noveck is looking for your input, including as to the metrics by which we measure success. Click here to participate.

2. Future of Data.gov: The Open Government Directive instructs all federal agencies to make available high-value data that promote national priorities and improve the lives of everyday Americans through Data.gov. Yet the current version of Data.gov is just the beginning. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra asks for your help in shaping the future of this key open government platform. As part of the Data.gov Dialogue, you can download the draft plans, submit a new idea, or comment on someone else’s.

What do you think of this initiative? How do you think it does or doesn't advance public participation?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

White House Announcement

Here is the video of the announcement from the White House on Transparency and Open Government.

Monday, December 7, 2009

News from USA Adminstration to IAP2 Members in USA

ADVISORY: Administration Officials to Launch Comprehensive Open Government Plan
with Webcast Open to All Americans

WASHINGTON – Dec 8th 11:00am ET, U.S. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra and U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra will launch the administration’s comprehensive Open Government Plan, furthering the President’s commitment to increasing transparency and accountability in Washington and ensuring greater access and information for the American people.

This announcement will be streamed live on whitehouse.gov, and will be followed by a web forum where individuals will be given an opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions about the administration’s Open Government Plan.

WHO: U.S. CIO Vivek Kundra and U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra
WHAT: Administration Launches Comprehensive Open Government Plan
WHERE: Watch it live and participate at http://www.whitehouse.gov/live
WHEN: Tuesday, December 8
11:00am ET

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


In the USA, President Obama's directive on Open Government is subject to considerable discussion in the P2 community. What do you think ? Have a read of these ideas and add let us know.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Member Engagement Now Open

Are you are member of IAP2 and want to have a say in the future structure of the international association? Today President Desley Renton has invited all members - individuals, group members, student members, corporate members, members in chapters and affiliates - to join her and the IAP2 Board in considering the question of IAP2 becoming a Federation of Affiliates. If you are a member you will receive an invitation to join in the online discussion. If you would like to send in comments, submissions, ask questions, join in conversations let us know are yoursay@iap2.org. You can log in to the online forum here

IAP2 is delighted to also announce that the support for the online engagement is being provided by Bang the Table. Their support is invaluable and will enable members to have first hand experience of online consultation if you have not had that opportunity yourself previously. Click here if you would like to know more about the range of online services from Bang the Table.

Friday, October 30, 2009

IAP2 Australasian Conference

Last week the Australasian Affiliate's conference in Fremantle WA, was a huge success, attracting guests from Canada and South Africa and delegates from all around Australia and New Zealand. Check out their experience in pictures at on the IAP2 Australasian website

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Member Engagement Coming Soon

At the Annual General Meeting in San Diego in September President Anne Pattillo outlined the challenges and opportunities of the past few years. She was followed by President Elect - and now President - Desley Renton - putting to the meeting a proposition from the Board for IAP2 to become a Federation of Affiliates. This proposition will engage the entire membership and an engagement plan is under construction as forecasted in a recent edition of the e-News. This week (Friday in the Northern Hemisphere and Saturday in the Southern) the IAP2 Board will meet to discuss the next steps for this engagement. So stay tuned! In the mean time if you a member of IAP2 you are able to check out the power point presentations provided by Anne and Desley at the AGM on the governance page in the members only section of IAP2.

Helping get the plan together and providing invaluable advice on some of the technical requirements are Blair McNaughton from the Wild Rose Chapter in Calgary, Alberta Canada and Tim Bonnemann from the Northern California Chapter in San Francisco, USA.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

IAP2 Parlez-Vous Francais?

IAP2 has established a social networking site for its French Speaking members, friends, colleagues and networks.

If you are interested in sharing your ideas, research, discussions in French please sign on and join the AIP2 Ning Site.

AIP2 has been asked to be in partnership with the City of Clamart to give advice on the organisation of the city's meetings on local democracy.

Civic engagement is a hot topic as Europe gets ready to host the United Nations Climate Change conference in Copenhagen (COP15). AIP2 is involved in helping foster citizen discussion on these critical subject.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Model Leadership From the Canadian Training Collective

The CTC went ABCD this past week! Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.

The four women who make up the Canadian Training Collective have set a new benchmark for supporting IAP2. Like previous leadership of training groups such as Twyfords in Australia, the CTC have this year, individually and collectively demonstrated their commitment to IAP2.

Individually: Stephani Roy Mc Callum as Past President of IAP2 was commissioned by the IAP2 to lead the project to develop a new training course (Emotion, Outrage and Public Participation). Through her own company she also provided Silver Sponsorship to this year's international conference and sponsored the tote bags and lanyards for delegates. Jan Bloomfield as President of the Wild Rose Chapter in Canada supported Wild Rose as the Gold Sponsor for the Conference and led the delegation from Alberta - more delegates than from any other State in North America to this year's conference. Gale Simpson is the Training Director of the IAP2 Board and is leading major reforms in training for IAP2 poising it for growth in the year's ahead. Gay Robinson is the elected Canadian member of the IAP2 Training Committee and leading a key area for that committee in financial modelling for licensing fees for the year ahead.

Collectively: The CTC hosted a reception for delegates at the conference and offered a trade table for delegates to learn more about their work. This was topped off with a business card draw for a free place at a training course. The CTC are also piloting a partnership arrangement with IAP2 for training in Vancouver in November on a course they are delivering and have developed. The CTC are also offering opportunities for others in the IAP2 community to be guest trainers.

This model of working co-operatively is very exciting and IAP2 looks forward to seeing more of these type of approaches emerging. The US Training Consortium worked together this year to achieve ACIP credits for US based Certificate training. These are the type of innovations and initiatives a thriving IAP2 training business can offer to the world!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Market Creek Plaza Field Trip

IAP2 Conference delegates learnt the history, hopes and sheer determination that has been and still is Market Creek Plaza. Australasian Affiliate Board member, Kimbra White reported : "What a wonderful experience we had - local heros depicted in sculptures and street art; Samoan dancers and children rehearsing for upcoming community events and local guide Roque Barros made it a great learning opportunity." Other feedback from delegates included:
"this is a fine example of a community that has kept on keeping on"; "truly inspiring"; "thanks IAP2 for putting on this field trip".

Chicano Park Field Trip

Rave reviews from the delegates attending the Chicano Park Field Trip. Local tour guide Mario Torres shared the stories, the feelings and the transformative effect of the Chicano Park murals - and the 'tourists' were deeply moved by the whole experience. After the tour they enjoyed delicious, home-made corn tortilla's followed by Mexican pastries from the bakery next door to the taco shop. Many thanks to IAP2 host, Bennett Peji for making it such a memorable experience!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Core Value Awards 2009

The 2009 Core Values Awards winners and finalists were honored at an elegant dinner on Monday, September 21st during the 17th Annual IAP2 conference in San Diego, California, USA.

The ceremony, emceed by KGTV NewsChannel 10 reporter, Lauren Reynolds, included remarks by Geoff Wilson, co-chair of the Core Values Awards Committee and the 2008 Project of the Year Award winner and Marty Rozelle, co-chair of the Core Values Awards Committee and IAP2 President 1997-99.

The Project of the Year Winner is Scarborough Renaissance Partnership, United Kingdom. The Project of the Year Core Values Award is given to projects that have achieved a definable outcome. They must be complete or have significant phases of the project completed. Project awards are presented to the sponsoring organization. John Thompson and Charles Campion were there to accept the award on behalf of the project. John put the challenge and invitation to IAP2 to join with them to partnership and knowledge transfer opportunities and introduced delegates to The Academy of Urbanism.

A Special Innovation Award was introduced for the first time in IAP2 history. Each year going forward, IAP2 will focus on a specific area of innovation in P2 and in 2009, the award focused on the use of technology (social media strategies and Web-based tools). The inaugural Innovation Award winner is the North West Local Health Integration Network, Ontario, Canada for their project to engage the community of Ontario, Canada on health care planning and delivery.

The judges, Geoff Wilson, Dr. Patricia Wilson, Dr. Alice Sui, Chad Foulkes, Lynn Gillette, Sandra McBrayer and Sandy Heierbacher, also bestowed a Special Recognition Award to the Australian Citizens' Parliament, new Democracy project, New South Wales.

The Project of the Year Finalists were:

Dauphin Island Strategic Planning for Sustainability, Town of Dauphin Island, Alabama USA

The Forum Foundation, Washington, USA

The IAP2 Core Values Awards recognizes excellence and innovation in the field of public participation guided by the seven IAP2 Core Values for Public Participation.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kick off in San Diego

Mayor Jerry Sanders opened the conference and from first hand experience explained the consequences of what happens when public lose trust in government, and the outcomes of rebuilding that trust. He gave a wonderful overview of what happens when decisions aren't sustainable and told delegates how this is being addressed now, for the future, in San Diego. When public officers and elected officials misuse their trust and position it leads to more than a financial crisis. The path ahead is built on decisions that will stand the test of time and he gave delegates some fine examples of how those relationships at the community level are the very foundations. With the room full of experts in the field of public participation from around the world there were no arguements there!

President of IAP2, Anne Pattillo told delegates that "sustainable decision making for IAP2 is powerful and deceptively simple. It sits at the foundation of our practice. It requires decision making focused on the future and our hopes, aspirations, concerns and goals. An engagement practice that demands on being clear about the decisions to be made and grounded on the values that underpin the best practice and philosophy of the people involved.

" IAP2's contribution to the need to live more sustainably is and has always been ensuring that the social dynamic has people affected by the decision with the most powerful voice in decision making. Decision making that balances technical, financial and environmental factors with the relativity and richness of life and living.

"Now more than ever the decisions required to make the changes required to adapt and build our family, community and national resilience cannot simply be made in senates and at Council tables but must also be made in communities and in families and at kitchen tables."

Anne welcomed delegates and thanked them for accepting the invitation to come to the conference table and then to lead these conversations all over the world as researchers and practitioners.

We will be blogging throughout the conference ... more to come ...

My San Diego

To the sounds of Marachi musicans, with the sun setting and delegates gathering, local IAP2 conference convenor Lewis Michaelson welcomed people from around the world to the city of San Diego and state of California. Bennett Peji shared some of the sites of the city and environs reminding everyone gathered of the sense of place and the international flavour and intense cultural life of the region. International President of IAP2, and President of the Australasian Affiliate of IAP2, New Zealander Anne Pattillo encouraged everyone to enjoy the city, the progam but most of all each other as they learn and play together at the 17th International conference. The Program committee were delighted to have such a wonderful event and co-chair, Deborah Eastlick, immediate Past President of the Wild Rose Chapter from Calgary, Canada and not to be too distracted by all the wonderful attractions of the city!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Are You Serious about Sustainability?

Like charity, sustainability begins at home! This year's international conference is going green - efforts are being made to reduce the eco-footprint of delegates - food being served is coming predominantly from local markets, conference program and resources are on flash drives, recyled materials have been used for the conference tote bag, hotel supporting sustainability practices as well. The conference theme: Sustainable Decision-Making will lead delegates through a process that supports the foundations of the Association : Being decision-orientated, goal focussed and values based. Throughout the conference there will be stories at the local, national and international level on how decision-making can be sustainable and how sustainable decisions can be made. The conference program will be rich in opportunities to learn from delegates, presenters and the wonderful environment that the city of San Diego offers. On conference eve, delegates are starting to arrive from around the world. Pre conference training began on Friday and included people from Australia, Canada, USA and Singapore.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Citizens Voice

During the IAP2 Conference three films will be shown that will demonstrate different methods of citizen's voice. A short film called Nothing Short of a Miracle tells the story of local people in an outer metropolitan suburb in South Australia making their own future through community management - and having more success that the US President did when he was a community organiser if you read his own account in Dreams of My Father. You will also be able to hear from Prof James Fishkin directly and view his film on deliberative democracy : Europe in One Room. Jim will be there to take your questions and his new book about this project is on its way! Finally, Issues Deliberation Australia/America will be showing their award winning film Beyond Beliefs, using the deliberative poll method invited by Jim on an issue of national importance in Australia - Muslims and non-Muslims in Australia. The matters raised in this part of the world also have international ramifications for many Western democracries as well. And for good measure there will be popcorn too!

The White House's Office of Public Engagement launched earlier in the year the results of their collection of the Citizen's Voice in the Citizen's Briefing Book and many of the ideas and issues will be interest to IAP2 members worldwide -it is another way of listening into the citizen's voice. Around the world more and more leaders are recognizing that "government does not have all the answers, and that public officials need to draw on what citizens know " (US President Obama).

These films and this resource give you the chance to hear first hand what everyday citizens are saying to government and saying to one another.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Town Halls, Living Rooms and Social Media

This week Professor Dr Jim Fishkin from the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University published an opinion piece in the New York Times shedding some light on ways to ensure a range of voices are heard in the public domain. Jim is also a member of IAP2's Journal Advisory Board and creator of Deliberative Polling. This method will be showcased in two films at this year's international conference - one set in Europe and the other Australia.

Today, Associate Professor Dr Lyn Carson from University of Sydney had an opinion piece published in the Canberra Times generating discussion on how home is where the action is - people can log on to make their contribution from the comfort of their living room. The place of social media in dialogue and discourse is proving to be an interesting challenge for democracies like the USA where Town Hall meetings are being captured by specific interest groups and for countries like China where 'home churches' are growing at a pace.

Carson is a member of the International Board of IAP2 and will also have an article in the next edition of the International Journal of Public Participation which will be on line in the next week.

What does this all mean for public participation, online tools, deliberation vs crowd sourcing? These and other interesting discussions vital for the future of public participation will be happenning at this year's IAP2 conference in San Diego - don't leave the debate to others -come and share your experience, knowledge and wisdom. If you feel you need to top up on your knowledge and skills in this area there are many workshops in this field on offer at the conference as well. See you there!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Australasia - Punching above its Weight

This week the Australasian Affiliate tipped over to 600 members and with that became the largest single grouping within IAP2 at this time. They are holding their conference in Fremantle Western Australia in October and the program is available at www.iap2.org.au

The Australasian Affiliate have members from coast to coast and regularly gather in the capital cities of each State across the nation. Last week in Adelaide members gathered to learn more about communication and marketing in public engagement and the week before in Melbourne on climate change. Coming up soon in New Zealand members will be learning from Stacey Barr about measuring meaningful engagement after the standing room only webinar that was held last month.

Australasian members were also on hand assisting in the crafting and gave its support (and a city name) to the Brisbane Declaration on Community Engagement back in 2005 and still influencing decision-makers.

Australasian members will be presenting at this year's International Conference in San Diego as well - check out the program at www.iap2.org and see who is going to be there.

Congratulations to everyone in IAP2 Australasia!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clip from Peter Sandman

There is a lot of interest in the issues around public participation, emotion and outrage management. The pre-conference training in San Diego is filling up and if you are interested in taking this program please book before August 14th. Here is a taste of some of the issues that will be canvassed, explored and developed

Friday, July 24, 2009

Outrage, Emotion and Public Participation

This new training course is now open for registrations. The first two public offerings will be held in San Diego, California, USA and Fremantle, WA, Australia. If you are interested in hosting this program in-house with your organisation or in your network of allied agencies let us know. The 2010 Calendar is under construction now! Also the expression of interest for trainers interested in delivering this program closes on July 31st. All the details to make application are available on the IAP2 website.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Conference : Price and Promise

The early bird price for the IAP2 conference closes on July 21 - don't miss out on discounts and savings - especially if you are a member - and if you're not sign up now so you can take advantage of what is on offer.

Our promise back to you is that you will get a great conference - jam packed with terrific speakers, discussions, food, field trips, films and most of all your peers and new friends!

If you can't come for the whole three days - think about signing on for some pre-conference training and upskill in social media, diversity or facilitation. Stay competitive by gaining new tools and techniques for your public participation tool kit. IAP2 is launching its new training offering Outrage Management, Emotion and Public Participation - take a sneak peek at this video for some of the content. This course is filling so don't leave it too late and miss out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Advice to White House

Here is what IAP2 said to the White House as part of their consultation on the Open Government Directive.

The way to solve the problems of our time, as one nation, is by involving the American people in shaping the policies that affect their lives.
President Obama

As a local government, we must always remember that the people are the government and that an essential part of our daily work is to vigorously pursue efforts to bring all voices to the table in ways that are meaningful to our community members and that authentically consider all perspectives. That is what applying IAP2 principles in practice has meant to us
Karen Roney, Community Services Director, City of Longmont, Colorado, USA

Since its creation in 1991, the Authority has demonstrated a sustained commitment of engaging the public in major policy decisions. Indeed, the best decisions are often made when the public is involved in shaping them.
Julie Wilcox, Southern Nevada Water Authority, 2008 Winner Core Values Organization of the Year Award.

The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) is honored to be invited to submit views to the Open Government Directive and participate in the process. Engagement with these processes is central to the mission of IAP2 – not as lobbyists, but as leaders in public participation.

This piece of advice is founded on two decades of experience of our members in the USA and supported by our international membership. Our International Certificate in Public Participation has been completed by almost 1,000 people in the USA alone since 2000 and has established itself as a training standard in this field.

The accumulated wisdom gained from applying public participation principles in community, business and government settings, where the imperative is to minimize risk, maximize engagement and build consensus, is central to the mission of IAP2 and have created what Beth Noveck referred to as a “lofty set of principles”. In this submission we demonstrate IAP2’s experience and capacity to apply principles to practice and deliver outcomes.

A practitioners, we recognize that the policy intention of this initiative is designed to create a culture of participatory practice that will lead to consensus building and increased engagement among individuals, communities, business and the public sector. It is our advice that cultural shifts such as these require building internal policies, and expertise and skills to both lead and enable these aspirations to be fully realized.

During Phase II a set of questions was posed by this process and we recognize them as the enduring questions of IAP2 clients, whether they be public or private corporations, or community-led or hosted organizations. All want to know the price and promise of public participation; the parameters and limitations of the processes; and the impact on decision-making and decision-makers. The methods employed by IAP2 members enable quality decision-making that protects and promotes policy imperatives, without compromising the integrity of the process or the necessity of decisions. It is our experience that clarity about the decision is the basic building block for problem solving and decision making that results the public and stakeholders being mutually satisfied. This planned and strategic approach also comes with the deep appreciation that some decisions are so important, some challenges so great that they cannot be made by single decision-makers and need to be underwritten by consensus built through public participation.

From Principles to Practice
A principle-centered approach enables a diversity of processes and practices without compromising the policy objectives; however the policy outcomes must still be measured.
Setting targets for participation and defining appropriate processes are initial steps in building a transparent and open policy directive without resorting to regulation. When contracts are let, projects commissioned or staff appointed, it is possible to embed principles and measures of policy outcomes into these agreements. This is a zero cost to government in offering the contracts; the responsibility of meeting these objectives falls onto both parties – the contracted to deliver and the contractor to monitor. This enables measurement and transparency and builds a reporting framework with accountability to all parties. However, if government wants to go a step further and build this approach into regulations, it would remain consistent with other policy initiatives being canvassed (e.g. the http://www.regulations.gov/ online exchange).

The institutionalized and systematic inclusion of principles that lead to measurable outcomes in public participation are fostered when measures and monitoring are written into the agreements. One example from a state jurisdiction in Australia has all the Chief Executives of Government Departments having the state’s strategic plan targets written into their performance agreements –thereby linking directly the public policy of the elected official with the performance of the civil servant.

Each year IAP2 collects from around the world examples of excellence in public participation, which are recognized through the IAP2 Core Values Awards. These typically include public bodies as well as commercial organizations and form an annual State of the Practice Report showcasing winning projects and organizations. The common feature of all these award winners is the considered application of a principle-centered approach whether it be bioethics or land use management. This year, a new award category has been established to showcase web-based applications in public participation and winners are yet to be announced. IAP2 will make this year’s award-winning applications available to the White House.

Other best practice examples we would like to draw to your attention have been captured in the Kettering Foundation funded project “Painting the Landscape” that is due for completion and launch at the 17th International Conference in San Diego. This year’s conference theme is Sustainable Decision-Making, again translating principles into practice for everyday application.
IAP2 members and our associates are involved in a wide range of projects, organizations and policy initiatives, and our links are extensive. International examples that connect law making (e.g. Tuscan Law no. 69) demonstrates how representative government and mini-publics might do more than co-exist. This law enables the convening and participation in public meetings supported by financial and administrative services. Proponents are responsible for proposing appropriate inclusive deliberative methods for engagement.

Legislative and regulatory examples abound in numerous jurisdictions (both National and State) and they tend to be linked to particular industries and portfolios for example such as Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and the Danish Board of Technology and its link between consensus conferences and Danish Parliament.

Jurisdictions may face legal challenges around public participation has often transpired as legislation to for strategic litigation against public participation (or SLAPP) and there are again numerous examples of this around the world including one from a jurisdiction within the Australian Capital Territory, Australia.

Public engagement is core to our practice as IAP2; we understand the processes and techniques that decision-makers can confidently rely on to foster involvement of the general public as opposed to seasoned advocates and activists. We are skilled in helping decision makers and practitioners alike to lead and sculpt processes matched to the decision being considered and the people being served. Creating environments conducive to participation and unfriendly to lobbyists can be facilitated by pathways outside of the systems open to lobbyists and other professionals. We have developed strategies that are inclusive, visible and collaborative, and provide evidence of a range of voices being heard. This process will also make visible the lobbyists and their submissions to government.

IAP2 uses a suite of methods with breadth and depth to match the capacity of participation for the public in decision-making. These applications are as diverse as micro-blogging tools like Twitter ranging up to randomly selected national forums on issues of national importance; from community development projects in rural and remote settings to inner urban corporate board rooms; from on-line surveys to focus groups to webinars to involvement of arts and cultural tools (e.g. face painting consultation for children about their playground).

There are literally thousands of examples from around the world from local, state and national levels. A few are chosen here from work being undertaken by some of our members:
Speak Out, in Hawaii has been documented as an example of partnership in public consultation with local businesses, government and community members.

Southern Nevada Water Authority has for over a decade used a range of public participatory tools to build a suite of interactive opportunities with the public for decision-making that has led to long-term engagement on natural resource management.

One of the members of the IAP2 Journal Advisory Board, Professor James Fishkin, pioneered deliberative polling, which has been used to great effect in USA, UK, Australia and the European Union. The method of random selection and combining pre- and post-polling of the delegates enables a microcosm of a population (i.e. a mini-public) that can reflect and consider key issues of local and national importance. These methods have been applied to issues as diverse as crime, national health policy, alternative energy and race relations.

More recently these methods or variations of the methods have been applied in Australia at the national level at the world’s first People’s Parliament in February 2009 in Canberra Australia. Randomly selected voters deliberated on key policy issues of national importance. Another example is a Deliberative Poll ® on Muslims and Non-Muslims in Australia, hosted by Issues Deliberation Australia/America in 2007. The DVD documentation of this event has just won the 2009 US International Film and Video Festival One World Award.

Our Experience – Our Advice
IAP2 – through our members and networks, partners and collaborators – has been engaged in the processes to date being employed by the Office of Public Engagement. IAP2 remains committed to supporting and promulgating these processes to our members and networks. One potential limitation of this method is that the use of a single platform may lack the capacity to deliver results to the OPE that reflect the potential breadth and depth of public participation.

The OGI consultation process is nearing completion, so the following advice is designed to shape future processes and direction of policy implementation. If the OPE determined that the solitary platform of Web 2.0 applications were to be used for public participation, it could be open to the criticism of providing an elite and limited process. This creates a vulnerability to criticism from constituencies that the long-term strategic action deriving from these early processes is fundamentally flawed and therefore weak. Other tools are available and we direct your attention to a list of technical improvements created by one of our members.

IAP2 offers advice on how to strengthen these processes and how to embed quality public participation into all levels of government. This will enable long-term sustainability of the policies of open government.

IAP2 has discovered that careful planning for participation requires analysis of those to be included in the decision-making and those affected by the decision. In this project the OGI is seeking to receive input from the public that will enable it to implant transparency tools within the systems of government and governance. Such planning is the heart of IAP2 practices in public participation. We specialize in matching the capacity of the constituencies with the tools and techniques of public participation. We have learned that no single approach to public participation will deliver the desired policy outcomes. Rather, prior to designing and implementing a public participation plan, each initiative requires analysis to ensure the measure of proactive public engagement compared with the risks of having no involvement or inappropriate participation. IAP2’s five steps for public participation planning have been tested on policies and projects in a range of jurisdictions, cultures and language groups. They are robust because they work. These steps are supported by a suite of tools, tasks and processes. The steps are:
1. Gain internal commitment
2. Learn from the public
3. Select the level of participation
4. Define the decision process and participation objectives
5. Design the public participation plan

A disciplined approach to these steps will deliver:

  • a clear problem/opportunity or problem statement – what is it that needs to be decided ie what’s wrong that needs to be fixed, what are the opportunities to be seized
  • clarity about the level of engagement with the public on what issues need to be canvassed and what promises can be made to the public
  • a comprehensive analysis of stakeholders

This is turn will generate a public participation plan that is transparent and open with collaborative features.

In our experience with organizations and communities, we have found that it is critical to enable leadership, employ skilled and consistent practice and explain how the decision is to be made by identifying the parameters and depth of participation in the decision-making process.

In previous advice to the OPE, we have suggested that the support needed within government would be enhanced through the education and training of government officers in these policy imperatives. It is our view that, while there is significant skill and knowledge within some areas of government, there are gaps at the interface with the public by everyday officers that would be strengthened with consistent entry-level applications in public participation that are not web-based. These could be seen as a precursor to web-based community engagement or crowd sourcing for future initiatives of the administration.

To this end, IAP2 offers a foundation certificate in public participation that is affordable and available in multiple locations across the USA; individual officers can participate, or a planned partnership approach between specific divisions or departments could be developed. IAP2 is not an advocacy body; it has no political ties and is truly independent. The skills transfer offered in the certificate are elementary and accessible with universal application. Membership of IAP2 could be a natural extension to the training as well to enable ongoing professional development within a broader international context, enabling officers to learn from other jurisdictions.

Our experience tells us that the spectrum of public participation can work at multiple levels in real time, employing a range of techniques for interacting with different stakeholders.

We know to the importance of providing the public with balanced and objective information to assist in understanding the problem, alternatives, opportunities and/or solutions is matched with the promise to the keep the public informed. We know that the need to obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions is matched with the promise to keep informing, listening, acknowledging concerns, aspirations and providing feedback on how the input from the public has made a difference. We know that working directly with the public throughout the process enables public concerns and aspirations to be consistently understood and evaluated, which will be reflected in the alternatives developed and feedback on how public participation influenced the decision. Partnering with the public includes developing alternatives and identifying preferred solutions; and this is matched with the promise of innovation based on community advice and recommendations, as deeply as possible. And finally, we know that to place the final decision-making in the hands of the public is matched with the promise that implementation is the will of the people. The ultimate form of empowerment in a democracy is the power of the vote.

Closing Remarks
IAP2 stands willing, ready and able to support collaborative ventures that will enhance the implementation of this directive. IAP2’s invitation to the Office of Public Engagement to join in its 17th International Conference in San Diego in September is still open; we would very much welcome an affirmative response so that we might meet and advance this conversation in a very practical way. I look forward to hearing whether you or one of your colleagues can join us at that time.

Anne Pattillo
President, IAP2

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Special Offer for Pre-Conference Training

This year's preconference training program is full of world class professional development offerings for the experienced public participation practitioner as well as those just starting out. If you enroll to take a pre-conference training course before July 21 you will be entered into a draw to receive one free conference registration. Also the first 50 registrants will receive a free book from amongst a selection from the IAP2 bookstore and you can collect them at the training in San Diego. Register now to get the benefit of these great offers and don't forget that early bird conference registrations close on July 21. Savings for early bird registrants for lodging at the conference hotel (Westin on Broadway) are also eligible for free internet connection during their stay. Get in now to get the best savings!

Trainers Wanted in Outrage Management

If you are interested in being considered to be a trainer in Outrage Management, Emotion and Public Participation now is the time to express an interest. The program is being offered in San Diego and Perth before the end of the year. The pre-requisite will be to take the program itself in either San Diego or Perth. This program builds on the life-long work of Peter Sandman in Outrage Management. This high level adult education experience will be useful in a range of industries and circumstances. Like the IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation, this new course will be highly participatory, include case studies and considerable practical applications for everyday use. Book in now while early bird registrations are open

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Social Media Stream at San Diego Conference

P2 practitioners are finding the take up of social media critical in their practice and in engagement of stakeholders. This year's international conference is picking up on the tools, techniques and issues that are shaping public involvment around the world. See below for the social media sessions and check out the whole program at www.iap2.org

Web 2.0 Tools
Dr. Crispin Butteriss, Bang the Table, Newcastle Australia
Web-based engagement is sustainable for both process and practical reasons. It provides a new and broader public with an opportunity to get involved in conversations about places and issues that affect them. It also reduces travel requirements by allowing citizens to join conversations from home or work. This session will explore workshop online community engagement through a series of case studies.

Facebook: Fad or Failure?
Martin J. Cowling, People First—Total Solutions, Melbourne Australia
This session outlines the social networking technologies, their potential and actual usage and poses some questions as to whether these technologies are a temporary phenomenon or represent a fundamental shift for those engaged in raising public participation.

Social Media
David Messerschmidt, Public Affairs Media Group, Seattle, WA USA
Public participation takes place in a new communications environment that includes “legacy” print and broadcast media, social networks, bloggers, “citizen” journalists, mashups and new online tools that pile into the toolbox everyday. To be sustainable practitioners managing public participation processes need both access to and an understanding of these new tools.

Social Networking Solutions
Karen Franz, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego, CA USA
Soumya Chennapragada, San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego, CA USA

The purpose of this session is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of social networking tools for nonprofits wishing to engage communities in a collaborative dialog to protect environmental health building upon on a complex data set. The environmental data presents a lens through which social networking tools are applied for community engagement.

Amelia Shaw, Translink, Burnaby, BC Canada
Patti LaCroix, MA Catapult Media, Halifax Canada
Kirsten Koppang-Telford, Translink, Vancouver, BC Canada
Showcasing public transportation in Vancouver, this session will report on a recent e-consultation pilot project undertaken by TransLink as part of its 10 Year Plan consultation process. Central to the pilot project was an exploration of how e-consultation could support the development of stronger, durable decisions that improve the quality of life for today and future generations in our community.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Social Media and P2 in California

The tools and techniques of social media are being applied by P2 practitioners to draw in new people to public participation. It is more than teaching an old dog new tricks - it is applying new technologies and techniques to the well-established and viable essence of IAP2 - the core values, spectrum and code of ethics.

This week in California two IAP2 mini-symposia have showcased and demonstrated check out this one from San Francisco. There will be more of this coming up at the conference later in the year - as it is a major thread running through the conference Sustainable Decision-Making - the price and promise of public participation.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Write White House Policy

Contribute directly to shaping President Obama's Open Government Directive. This online wiki-esque tool will enable you to input directly into the final document. Make your mark and bring an IAP2 practical perspective to this critical work - closes in 5 days ! Click here

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

San Francisco, California

California's Governor tweets about P2:

"I love public participation so I want to hear your ideas for solving our budget, no matter how radical. Use #myidea4CA. from web " But he's not the only one - last night in San Francisco the IAP2 Northern Californian Chapter hosted a mini-symposium.

A wide cross section of practitioners attended from new graduates to seasoned experts. It was a chance to learn about the macro with a case study from the UK on a national government approach to P2 and the micro with a technical application on empathy in communications. The diversity of information shared included a story from the outback of Australia to the high tech web-based tools being applied in the White House. The breadth and depth of the input was enriching and valued by all participants - demonstrated by the event going over time!

This was a significant networking and professional development opportunity that IAP2 offered its members and colleagues in the field by the Northern California Chapter.

Photos and files from the event will be uploaded in due course.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Core Values - Judging in Progress

Congratulations toBold everyone who has made a submission to this year's Core Values awards. Our judges are busy reviewing submissions from UK, USA, Canada, Thailand, Ghana, South Africa and Australia.

The judging team is led by Geoff Wilson, winner of last year's Project of the Year, with Capital Health, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Geoff is joined by:
Dr Patricia Wilson, University of Texas, Austin USA
Chad Foulkes South Coast Shire, Victoria, Australia
Lynne Gillette, US Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, USA
Sandy Heierbacher, National Coalition for Deliberation and Dialogue, USA
Sandra McBrayer, The Children’s initiative, San Diego, USA
Dr. Alice Siu, Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University USA

Julie Wilcox from last year's Organisation of the Year, South Nevada Water Authority reflected on the value of acknowledging public participation and the value of sustained engagement with these words: " Since its creation in 1991, the Authority has demonstrated a sustained commitment of engaging the public in major policy decisions. Indeed, the best decisions are often made when the public is involved in shaping them.

As you all know, consensus-based decision making is never easy. It takes time, effort, and a willingness to set-aside personal interests for the sake of a greater good. The Authority itself was established, to put an end to the in-fighting and competition that was occurring among water agencies in Southern Nevada’s Las Vegas Valley. Under General Manager Patricia Mulroy’s direction, the Authority was designed as a consensus-based cooperative agency, focused on managing water on a regional – not local – basis.

The Southern Nevada Water Authority includes in its membership the seven largest water and waste water agencies and each has one member on the Board of Directors. Each agency – no matter the size – has a veto power. So the smallest member, which only delivers 2 percent of the water, can not be taken advantage of. Consensus is required in all administrative decisions.
In Southern Nevada, we rely on the Colorado River to meet 90 percent of our water supply. Nevada received the smallest allotment of Colorado River water under the Colorado River Compact of 1922 – less than 2 percent of the River's water – because the Colorado River was allocated primarily on the basis of agricultural potential. But Nevada and its arid lands discovered a different way to develop as a community.

The American West today bears little resemblance to the West of 1922. The entire West has exploded with population increases and is suffering from a devastating 8-year drought. In order to meet the challenges this brings, we must seek to involve all interests in finding solutions to complex problems. We must do this regionally by working with our neighboring states and locally by engaging our citizens because the best decisions include the voice of the community.
We are so very proud to be recognized by those who, like us, value and demand opportunities for public participation in policy issues of any community. We applaud all here tonight for embracing this vision and we are proud to pursue it with you. Thank you for extending to us the Core Values award of IAP2 Organization of the Year.

Based on recommendations of its citizen committees:
· The Authority successfully developed a funding plan to build more than $2 billion in regional water infrastructure just in time to meet community needs. Because the plan had been vetted and supported by a broad-based group of stakeholders, it received 72% of the vote when the plan was considered during a general election..
· The Authority achieved its goal of 25 percent conservation of total water use four years ahead of schedule. Following the completion of this goal, a subsequent committee set a new goal, which we are on track to achieve ahead of schedule. This year, Southern Nevadans are using 15 billion gallons less water than they did five years ago, despite the addition of 400,000 new residents during that span and more than 40 million annual visitors.
· We have also developed and implemented the largest direct-injection artificial recharge program in the nation to protect the Las Vegas Valley groundwater aquifer.
· The Authority stepped up and began coordinating efforts to restore the ecological functions of the Las Vegas Wash, which conveys treated effluent and stormwater back to the Colorado River. These efforts have included construction of 10 erosion control structures (reducing total suspended solids by more than 50 percent), stabilization of 5.5 miles of bank, and revegetation of more than 175 acres of wetland.
· We are currently in the process of implementing major recommendations to develop additional supplies to meet future demands. This has included successful negotiations with other states for increased flexibility on the Colorado River and the development of unused groundwater supplies that are available in our state.

Public participation shapes nearly every policy decision considered by the Authority. Even today, we still rely on the recommendations and policy directions of current and past public processes. The best decisions are made when they account for the voice of the community as a whole. Thank you again for extending to us the honor of IAP2 Organization of the Year."

We look forward to announcing this year's batch of winners and celebrating their success at this year's Core Values event in San Diego as part of 17th International Conference.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

White House Open Government Stage 1 Wrap Up

Check out the review of Phase 1 of the Open Government directive brainstorming phase from the White House Do you think the IAP2 principles / core values for public participation are "lofty"? Across the world they are being applied by practitioners in public policy, community settings and in commerical enterprises.

This week applications closed for the international core values awards and attracted entries from Ghana, South Africa, UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Thailand. All entries demonstrated how they are applying these core values in public participation. The judges now go to work to assess the organisation and the project of the year that best reflects the application of these values. The new category for innovation will in its inaugural year focus on the use of web-based technology. Results will be announced in time for celebrations at the Conference in San Diego.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Core Values Awards - Extended to June 8th

Do you know of an organisation or project that demonstrates excellence in public participation?
The annual Core Values awards are remaining open for one more week and will close on June 8th when the judges will begin their work! So far there are submissions from Ghana, Australia, USA, Thailand and Canada - so get yours in to let everyone in the global P2 community know of your world class work.
Award winners will be announced in San Diego as part of the 17th International IAP2 Conference.
All the information to submit your award winning application is found on the IAP2 home page - just follow the links!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Open Government USA Update

The Office for Open Government in the Obama Administration is winding up the brainstoming Phase of their online engagement process however due to the level of interest they are keeping the site open until June 19th. Phase II opens on June 3rd. Please join in the conversation and shape the future of public policy in the USA. If you are an IAP2 member you will have also been invited to join a conversation through an internal social networking site. If you have missed this invitation and want to join in contact moira@iap2.org and we will connect you.

Conference Keynote Practitioners Announced

In the light of current public policy engagement in the USA with online brainstorming at the White House we are delighted to announce a participatory approach to the final day of the 17th International IAP2 Conference.

What if public engagement for sustainable decisions is becoming the new normal in our governments, schools, businesses, and other systems? What is the promise? What is the price? How do we seize the moment?

The morning of Wednesday September 23rd will be spent exploring one of our field's most pressing challenges: how do we make public engagement more integral to our systems? Let's see what creative solutions, ideas, and even next steps can we come up with together! Sandy Heierbacher, Director of the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD), and Myriam Laberge & Brenda Chaddock of the Masterful Facilitation Institute will lead this highly experiential session using innovative participatory techniques that you can take back home.

Don't sit on the sidelines - join in the discussion and be there to shape the future.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

US Policy Announcement : Open Government

The White House open government initiative and the start of online public engagement on the open government recommendations is now launced on line http://www.whitehouse.gov/open.
Check it out and let us know what you think.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

IAP2 Welcomes Office of Public Engagement in USA

Governments world wide are seeking ways to ensure that they remain relevant, open and transparent to their constituencies. This week the Obama Administration announced the directive for the newly named Office of Public Engagement. The announcement underscores the Web 2.0 generation, social media and net savvy communications and consultation.

The IAP2 International Conference in September in San Diego will have a number of sessions and a stream for practitioners and policy makers on the tips, tools and techniques for this generational shift in civic involvement.

IAP2 foundations embrace consensus building in democracies. These foundations include a tried and tested process, training and set of tools that can be applied to enhance transparency and quality of decision-making. They are designed to improve the quantum and quality of public input by using a range of existing traditional platforms and emerging information communication technologies.

Appealing to public policy makers, practitioners and researchers, this year's conference theme Making Sustainable Decisions: the Price and Promise of Public Participation acknowledges that this work does come at a price and therefore has its own rewards! Investing your time to come to San Diego and join in these deep and necessary conversations will be well worth the effort!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Core Values Awards - Submissions Open Until June 1st

Do you have an award winning story of public participation to tell? The IAP2 International Core Values Awards are now open. Find out how you can put in an award winning submission by following the instructions and guidance of one of last year's winners Geoff Wilson from Capital Health in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. As IAP2 International President Anne Pattillo says "we are too modest about our achievements". So hear is your chance to go loud and showcase your work to the world! Get your submissions in by June 1st 2009 using the new style guide to ensure the same standards will be used by the judges. Any questions please contact moira@iap2.org

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Guest Blogger: Pandemic Planning & Readiness

Pandemic planning

As you’re reading this it’s anyone’s guess at what stage we’ll be in terms of the current swine flu issue. That is the nature of issue/crisis management.

First things first: Epidemic is defined as an outbreak of disease that occurs in more cases than you would normally expect. Pandemic is defined as an outbreak of disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high percentage of the population. Semantically it’s that simple.

The World Health Organization (WHO) moved to Phase 5 (of a six phase scale) on Wednesday. It’s likely that a pandemic is inevitable, but not necessarily imminent (it could dawdle for months, especially if it doesn’t like Northern Hemisphere summers) and not necessarily severe (mild pandemics are still pandemics, but noticeable only to professionals; it is too soon to even begin to guess how mild or severe this one might be).

According to the WHO, since the 18th century we have averaged 3 pandemics per century, every 10 – 50 years, so there’s no reason to think this won’t happen.

Public concern is growing, which is probably good, and public trust of authority has declined over the years, not the best of situations.

David Satcher, former U.S. Surgeon General said, “To the extent that the public panics, to the extent that the public demands antibiotics when they don’t need them, all of these things represent weaknesses in the public health infrastructure”.

Some people are appropriately worried; some are excessively worried; some are imagining that what’s quite possible soon is already here (e.g. “worried well” showing up in hospital emergency rooms with mild respiratory symptoms); many are unduly apathetic. Panic would be a VERY bad sign, but official fear of panic (“panic panic”) tends to lead to over-reassurance and suppression of alarming information – which tends to undermine trust and perhaps even lead to public panic.

Officials at every level need to be candid, to encourage dialogue, and to tell citizens the things they can do to prepare and ways they can help their community prepare. We want a public that can bear its fears, not a public that has been persuaded not to feel them.

If your family or organization doesn’t yet have a plan, today would be a good day to develop one. Your planning should be built keeping the following in mind:

Follow the hygiene recommendations and instructions of your local health officials -- wash your hands often with soap and warm water and cough into your sleeve. Prepare to stay home for awhile -- make sure you have enough food, water, medicine, and anything else that you might need if you couldn’t go out for awhile.

Government encourages ‘social distancing’ as the primary preventative course of action. Sick people need to stay home and others will want to, but critical work and functions will have to continue.

The uncertainty of a chaotic and unpredictable situation highlights the need to know what’s going on. Communication is and will remain critical.

The first goal of an effective communication strategy is to create a community or ‘social context’ for dealing with an unfolding situation. Make sure you know how to reach and communicate with your family and critical employees at all times. Make sure that you have a way of communicating with your sick employees.

Crisis planning and response should err on the side of overreacting and over-communicating. Don’t allow a vacuum of information to be filled with rumor.

Here’s a link to a good checklist for your business or agency.

Stay well.

John Godec USA Board Member

Message from the President: Helping with Health Emergency


Today I want to talk about the health emergency that is gripping the world

Last weekend I was on International President duty in Vancouver. I love the power of virtual meetings and social media to bring people together, share information and get the job done. The International Board are a team of committed practitioners. The emerging swine flu emergency had us cut the meeting short.

At times like this our attention turns to looking after the people we love, the people in our networks and communities. IAP2 is no different. We will be keeping a careful watch on developments, in terms of our own events program and change any plans to make sure we keep you safe. We will keep a daily watch on the advice from health officials on how best to act.

I know that you will want to help in this situation.

Over the last few months we have been working with Peter Sandman a world leading expert in outrage management, on development of a new international program. Peter is a leading communication advisor to the Centre for Disease Control and the WHO. This sounds like and advertisement, it’s not.

I want to direct you to advice from Peter about communication in a pandemic. The link is: http://www.psandman.com/col/panflu4-1.htm. if you want to help it is a great place to start. We will be loading links to other resources that will help you help.

For the moment take care. We are thinking you and will help in any way we can.

Kind Regards

Anne Pattillo

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Outrage Management & 21st Century

For many years Professor Peter Sandman's capacity to educate and translate the issues around outragement. From his publication in the early 1990s and its application far and wide across North America and internationally to create successful and effective outcomes from risk communication strategies to now continues to support public participation practitioners, communicators in the job they have to do to manage and enable the foundations for constructive civic engagement. If you are in or around DC at the end of April, don't miss this unique learning opportunity with the master in this area, Prof. Peter Sandman. If you are in public affairs, working with or for government agencies and dealing with controversial issues, expecting to be the bringer of 'bad news' or standing with communities, companies and clients who are feeling like they are an endangered species - then this is the training for you this year! Book here bby clicking onto the Event in Focus. Our partners in this venture are Booz Allen Hamilton a company with an international reputation and commitment in this field.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Professional Development Seminar:Outrage Management

Outrage Management in Public Participation:
When Stakeholders Are Upset

Presenter: Peter M Sandman

Book on line www.iap2.org
Washington, DC
April 28-29, 2009

This two-day seminar will differ from most IAP2 training in three ways:
The teaching modality will be presentation and Q&A, not participatory exercises.
The content focus will be Peter Sandman’s approach to “outrage management” – low-hazard, high-outrage risk communication.
The seminar is a step on the path to releasing an IAP2 outrage management training. Toward that end, the entire seminar will be videotaped, and a development team will periodically take time to seek participant guidance on how best to convert “Sandman on Outrage Management” into “IAP2 on Outrage Management.” Be part of this exciting learning opportunity.

Seminar Outline
Day One

8:00 a.m. Introductions

8:15 a.m. Introduction to Risk Communication
Risk = Hazard + Outrage
Components of Outrage
Four Kinds of Risk Communication
The Seesaw and Other Risk Communication Games

10:00 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m. Introduction to Risk Communication (continued)

11:30 a.m. Discussion with Course Development Team

12:00 noon Lunch

1:00 p.m. Strategies of Outrage Management
Stake out the middle, not the extreme
Acknowledge prior misbehavior
Acknowledge current problems
Give others credit for achievements
Share control or be accountable
Bring unacknowledged concerns to the surface

2:45 p.m. Discussion with Course Development Team

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Strategies of Outrage Management (continued)

4:45 p.m. Discussion with Course Development Team

5:00 p.m. Adjourn

Day Two

8:00 a.m. Follow-up Q&A/Discussion

8:30 a.m. Strategies of Outrage Management (continued)

10:00 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m. When Outraged Stakeholders Are Substantively Right

10:45 a.m. Where Does P2 Fit in Outrage Management?
Where Does Outrage Management Fit in P2?

11:45 a.m. Discussion with Course Development Team

12:00 noon Lunch

1:00 p.m. Barriers to Outrage Management

2:00 p.m. The Outrage Industries: Activists and Journalists

2:45 p.m. Discussion with Course Development Team

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Empathy in Outrage Management

4:45 p.m. Ethics in Outrage Management

4:15 p.m. Closing Remarks and Course Evaluation

4:30 p.m. Discussion with Course Development Team

5:00 p.m. Adjourn

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Australasian Affiliate seeking EOI for Executive/Administration

IAP2 in Australasia is seeking expressions of interest for its executive/administration.

IAP2 in Australasia is an organisation dedicated to supporting our members and developing the practice of public participation across the region. At the heart of their practice is putting people at the centre of decisions that affect their lives. IAP2 in Australasia is full of committed professionals dedicated to growing and developing our practice. Over the last few years they have seen considerable growth both in terms of membership base and level of activity. There are over 500 members across New Zealand and Australia and this year alone they are hosting a scheduled 80 conferences, events or training workshops.

Growth and the current level of activity has caused us to look again at our administrative support needs.

IAP2 Australasia is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals or companies to provide association administration and support services. This EOI is open to individuals operating in the role of Executive Officer or to companies specializing in support to associations. If you are interested or know someone who might be, find out more at www.iap2.org.au

Applications must be received by Thursday, April 23, 2009.

Monday, March 30, 2009

San Diego Conference Updates

RFPs for Event organiser have now closed.
Conference presentation submissions have been coming at a fast and furious pace and the assessment process now commences under the leadership of program co-convenors and Board members Deborah Eastlick and Mitch Bishop.
The pre-conference training program is nearing completion and announcements about that program are underway.
We hope to see you in San Diego in September, early bird registrations are now open http://www.iap2.org/

Friday, March 20, 2009

FAQ for RFP Event Planner

1. Have you got a hotel contracted and selected for the event?
Yes we will be at the Westin, Downtown San Diego
2. Are we allowed to submit 1 or 2 attachments or appendices along with the 10 page proposal?
You can submit appendices however the capacity to communicate effectively within the guidelines will be valued.
3. Will you accept a bid for a specific element eg Audio Visual, Core Values Dinner, Monday night social event?
Yes we will be open to bids for individual elements – and then we will be looking for compatibility and fit
4. Is the registration for the event handled by IAP2 or is that to be included in my services?
IAP2 will be able to handle this
5. Will name badge preparation be required by me or is IAP2 providing?
IAP2 will be able to handle this
6. You have “identify potential funding partners and make requests for sponsorship” included. Does that mean that you are expecting your provider to research and solicit sponsors within your industry, or just coordinate with and support IAP2 staff in this effort?
A bit of both – this would be shared and there are a number of leads we are already working with, however we will be seeking additional support from a successful team
7. Approximately how many conference calls and what length with the staff, committees, etc., do you anticipate?
It is anticipated that this will be variable starting fortnightly and weekly heading into the event
8. Does the IAP2 provide some staff/volunteers to assist with on-site registration and other needs or is that expected to fall within the $25,000 allowed budget for this service?
Yes, IAP2 will have staff and volunteers on hand to support
9. Can you define “capacity to attract registrations” for me?
You may have access to networks, markets and linkages that are close to the theme, IAP2 shared interests that will assist in the generation of registrations.
10. How many exhibitors do you anticipate?
Less than 25.
11. Will the participants all be local to San Diego / CA?
No, IAP2 is an international organization – participants will be traveling from around the world to attend the event.
12. Have you ever used an event planner for past conferences?
Yes, we have used event planners for past conferences.
13. We understand that you will be needing support in the development of regular (weekly) promotions and we would like to know to what extent?
Essentially this will be providing up to date information that we can put out to our markets, suppliers and networks as necessary.
14. We would gladly coordinate all media activities. We want to make sure and find out whether or not you have any current contacts or if you have a fulltime P.R. firm working with you on this program? Can you please clarify that for us?
We have international support in this area, however will be looking for local and customised support to generate registrations and interest in USA, California and San Diego.
15. We have never gone over budget since 1978 and know we can stay within your Board’s approved budget parameters. n order to further understand the project can you please let us know how many competitive bids you would like for us to request for the services and materials? If you want to break up your bids we will consider that option, there is one overall budget parameters
16. To what extent would we need to identify potential funding partners and make requests for sponsorship as well as assist with any grant applications?
This is a shared responsibility with the Board and committee and we will be working together on this front. Identification of real leads that are congruent and value add, rather than a list of sponsors is what we are looking for. Given we are a 501 3 c there is potential for taxation benefits for donors that has not been realised previously.
17. Do you have a specific format which you would like for us to provide the regular written and verbal reports to the Executive Director or can we use the system that we have already in place? What type of information would you like to include in these reports? Verbal and Email is preferred
Report template will be agreed as part of initial discussions and will include information on registrations, advancing project elements within the workplan, identification of risks and strategies to ameliorate them; strategies to identify opportunities and take advantage of them
18. Would we be required to travel to meet in person with the Executive Director and IAP2 staff?
If travel is required it will be IAP2 staff and volunteers who would meet in San Diego.
19. In the past, our events which had participants come from around the world we had to write visa letters; would you need us to write any for this conference?
We would be able to address and support this aspect.
20. Would you be expecting any VIPs to be attending and needing any special requirements?
VIPs are expected and we would be wanting to ensure that the logistics would support their visit. A volunteer team will be recruited to support this aspect, and the event planning group would be required to brief and coordinate with the volunteers.
21. Is there a conference program or schedule of sessions and events available from a recent conference to review?
If you review the Conference Proposal for Submissions which you can find on the IAP2 home page you will see the streams planned and the call for a diversity of submissions with a strong emphasis on process rather than the traditional "stand and deliver" approach; the program will include field visits, meetings and films. Refer to the FAQ for potential conference presenters for more details to this (February 17th)
22. Are the extracurricular activities designed for the entire group? Or are there multiple events for the attendees to select from?
23. Do you accept in-kind donations of goods and services in lieu of cash sponsorships and if so, what would be your top priority items?
Yes, we have a sponsorship target to meet and you will see from the conference page on our website already some sponsors and in-kind sponsors are already listed. The priority is to get financial sponsorship as we have tried to keep registrations costs as low for members as possible.
24. Do you require a comprehensive breakdown of only the management costs associated with each RFP requirement or comprehensive breakdown of ALL costs associated with each RFP requirement (such as vendor costs: designer, printing, a/v, catering, exhibits)?
We don’t require a comprehensive breakdown
25. Can you confirm is $25,000 the limit that cannot be exceeded for solely the management of the conference? If we need to hire a subcontractor (i.e. PR Firm, Onsite Staff), is this cost expected to be absorbed in the $25,000?
Any hiring done by the contractor will have to be within these parameters and absorbed into the cost
26. Will our staff be provided with hotel accommodations over the event days or does that cost need to be covered under the management fee of $25,000?
There maybe capacity for this and it is subject to negotiation with the winning bid
27. We see your website offers Spanish and French translation. As your event is attended by international attendees, are printed materials translated into other languages or are interpreters utilized at the conference
No there will be no need for material in other languages or interpreters

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Calling USA Members

Democracy in Action
A program of the Harford Public Library

Would you be prepared to host a gathering with your peers and colleagues to listen to this webcast? If yes, let moira@iap2.org and we will promote to our USA members.

Opening Doors: Finding the Keys to Open Government

Public Participation in the Obama Administration’s Development of the“Open Government Directive” Friday, March 20, 200812:45 pmHartford Public Library, 500 Main Street

Co-sponsored by the Connecticut State Library and Hartford Public Library

On his first day in office, President Obama in his Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government directed his Administration to develop recommendations for an "Open Government Directive" that moves government towards being "transparent," "participatory," and "collaborative." Today’s program presents a great opportunity for the public to be involved in the crafting of this directive. Individuals who are intimately involved in formulating the Administration's policies and agendas will explain, by live web cast from Washington, DC, the initiative's goals, receive feedback from the audience, and let members of the public know how they can continue to participate.

To begin the discussion about open and interactive government, Patrice McDermott, Director of OpenTheGovernment.org and Ari Schwartz, Vice President of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) will release a report based on the results of Show Us the Data, a web-based survey used to discover what information the public wants to get access to and use, but cannot.
The presentation will be followed by a discussion between speakers and the audience on what the Obama administration hopes to achieve, the policy issues facing this administration, the Obama administration's vision for e-government, and financial and economic transparency.
Confirmed Speakers: Dan Chenok, a member of President Obama's "Technology, Innovation and Government Reform" transition team, former branch chief for information policy and technology in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and currently senior vice president and general manager of Pragmatics, Katherine McFate, a Program Officer for Government Performance and Accountability in the Ford Foundation's Governance Unit, Beth Noveck, a professor of law and director of the Institute for Information Law and Policy at New York Law School and author of Wiki Government (Brookings 2009), and Vivek Kundra, currently Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the District of Columbia Government.

The live webcast will be followed by a moderated discussion (on-site) facilitated by Jeffrey B. Cohen of the Hartford Courant.

12:30: Participants welcome to bring a bag lunch – free beverages provided12:45: Introduction of program

1:00: Live webcast from Washington DC

2:30: Moderated discussion (on-site): Jeffrey B. Cohen, Hartford Courant

For more information call 860-695-6365.

Opening Doors: Finding the Keys to Open Government is a Sunshine Week program. Sunshine Week is a national dialogue on open government and secrecy. For more information go to www.sunshineweek.org.

Visit www.hartfordinfo.org, your gateway to information and data on issues of importance to those who live and work inHartford and the region.

Monday, March 2, 2009

UK & Ireland Gears Up

The IAP2 members in the UK & Ireland are hard at work putting the finishing touches on their plans to be an Affiliate member of IAP2. This week one of their members Vikki Hilton became a licensed IAP2 trainer and there are a couple more in the pipeline! Congratulations to all in the UK - 2009 is going to be a big year for you all as you go down the path of building more and more connections and commitment to public participation and grow membership.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Time Lines, Training, Submissions, Conferences

The Call for Partnerships in Training for Round 1 is now closed. Round 2 will be opened on May 1st so stay tuned if you would like to partner with IAP2 to deliver your training in 2009.

The Exclusive Call to IAP2 trainers ONLY for the development of a new IAP2 training offering in Outrage Management is now CLOSED. There will be future announcements in late May on how others might like to participate in this opportunity later in the year.

The Call for Pre-Conference Training has been extended until Tuesday March 3rd at 12 noon GMT and no further submissions will be accepted after that date.

The Call for Conference Presentations remains open until March 27th 12 noon GMT and there is no capacity to accept late submissions.

Thank you to all the people to date who have submitted ! The level of interest and calibre is very high. We look forward to announcing the next steps in all these developments.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You Tube

WIld Rose hosted a webinar recently and it now uploaded at http://www.youtube.com/user/iap2wildrose

Listen in to the presentation and discussion on Future Perfect Thinking and Scenario Planning.

If you have you tube clips you'd like to share with others in the IAP2 network please let us know.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Building Profile of Core Values

If you are in the USA or would like the Obama Administration to be alert to the Core Values of IAP2 as well as signing onto the Office for Public Liaison at the White House, you are invited to vote up the core values on a project of the Sunlight Foundation. The more votes, the higher it progresses through their site!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Conference Presentations Background Briefing Q & A

If you are preparing to submit a conference presentation for consideration by the program committee and have questions - let us know and we will respond via this blog entry. Here are the questions and answers from the teleconference background briefing and new questions that have come in subsequently. Keep 'em coming!

Q: Will there be real-time simultaneous translations into other languages of presentations?

A: None are planned at this stage, we will welcome though sessions in English, Spanish and French consistent with our membership profile.

Q:Will you accept submissions that pay attention to business outreach participation strategies?
A: Yes if the outreach reflects a two-way strategy and where there has been public engagement to enhance participation in decision-making

Q: Can you please provide some more clarity on the differences between the streams.

A: Each of the streams pays attention to a different part of the process of decision-making; and one way to consider these differences it to notice that there is a pre-decision process; a decision process and a post decision-process. We recognise that many processes and projects could fit into any one of the streams so one we have received all the submissions we would be very happy to review them and see where they best fit which may lead to submissions being aligned in a different stream to the one they were submitted in to enable balance in the overall program.

Q: Our preferred project to showcase is a large city-wide project and we are not sure what to focus on that will meet the conference objectives – can we have some ideas about what focus we should take?

A: Typically IAP2 conference participants are looking for tools they can use in their practice and learning from others about what works and what doesn’t work – so some of the best presentations have been about processes and techniques that didn’t work! Learning from others and being shown how to apply tools and techniques, identifying skill and knowledge sets, resources to enable and enhance processes are all appreciated by IAP2 conference participants; in other words you may like to highlight aspects of the project you have selected rather than the project as a whole.

Q: Have you got any conference papers we can review from the past?

A: While there are past conference papers and we will be putting some previous ones on our website, we would not want you to look to these as exemplars. As we are all about participation, much of what can be reproduced is difficult to present in this kind of a platform, due to the interactive nature of the sessions. This is one of the reasons we would prefer to call for “presentations” and not “papers”. In this program we are looking for highly participatory sessions, including technology enabled, film/video, site visits, experiential learning and use of techniques in presentations that enhance the learning transfer (eg world cafe, bear pit, open space). Do not restrict yourself to the concept of papers when you submit your presentation for consideration by the program committee

Q: How many sessions are there going to be?

A: This is still under consideration, there will be capacity for hour and one and half hour sessions. We are anticipating 25 -30 sessions. So are seeking around 100 submissions in order to make program selections.

Q: Can we submit more than one submission for consideration?

A: Yes

Q: Will you be open to receiving program ideas that reflect non-conference elements such as the use of techniques for conference participant engagement?

A: Yes and please send them in!

Q: is it possible for us to get a vendor booth area where we could offer interactive demos of our software? If so, would that cost extra?
A: IAP2 is exploring offering site space for vendors and will be providing additional information on this aspect in March.
Q: Is being a sponsor the way to go in order to be able to set-up a booth at this conference?
A: Sponsors will other types of access to the registrants as you will see from the sponsorship brochure; this is dependent on the level of sponsorship taken. We will be offering booth space to a range of vendors that compliment the conference and its themes (eg book store on the topic, web-based tools and devices).
Q: Under the various Sponsorship packages, it mentions 'Other Opportunities'. Do those 'Other Opportunities' include the conference registration fees and any company logo placement?
A:The sponsorship packages offer some options for registration places and places to the Core Values Gala Event. The 'other opportunities' include supporting an international registrant to come from an under-developed country, providing support to the volunteer team (eg they could be wearing t-shirts provided by your company with your logo on it etc).
Q:Are there any discounts for presenters, if we were one who would be chosen?
A: There are no discounts for speakers. As the presentation submission information brochure says presenters are expected to register for the conference.
Q: Will you pay for speakers expenses?
A: No
See you in San Diego in September! Conference Registrations are now open